How much does a storage container cost and are there any discounts available?
The cost depends on the area of the storage container, the lease period and the location. The rent for the smallest store (3,15 m2) is 45 EUR /per month + VAT. We have a permanent discount system. The price is deducted in case of a longer lease period. All available locations and prices can be seen in the booking form on the home page.
Which kind of storage conditions do you offer?
The square is surrounded by a fence and safety is ensured by a video surveillance system. Clients can access their mini-store 24 hours a day.
What is the shortest storage time?
A store (module) can be leased from 1 month until 2 years. In case of a long-term rental the price per month is reduced and discount available.
Do you offer also insurance of the property?
Our company does not offer insurance because it requires inventory of the items and evaluation upon every visit, which is complicated in this type of store. The lease time may start from 1 month. During the entire storage period the owner can access his property 24 hours a day. Extra services are offered: transportation of property, lease of shelves.
Are there any shelves in the storage container?
Shelves are offered as extra supply, which can be leased.
What may be stored in Holder storage container?
It is possible to store practically anything in HOLDER mini-stores EXCEPT:
- quickly spoiled foodstuff;
- animals and plants;
- weapons and ammunition;
- toxic, radioactive, flammable, and explosive materials;
- items and substances banned by the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.
What should not be stored in Holder mini-store?
What is the minimal area of the storage space, which sizes are available?
- animals and plants;
- weapons and ammunition;
- toxic, radioactive, easily flammable, and explosive materials;
- items and substances banned by the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.
What is the minimal area of the storage space, which sizes are available?
We offer storage space with the minimal size of 2.4 × 1.5 m (3.5 m2), also a small store with the size of 7–28 m2, with the height of ceiling 2.4 m.
Height of the ceiling, door openings?
Height of the ceiling 2.4 m. Door of the standard container is 0.90*2.3 m.
Have you got any packaging material?
No, we do not provide packaging material.
Are you responsible for the safety of the items?
The company checks the access to the storage space. Unauthorized people without the client’s signed contract can not access the storage.
Who is responsible for the damaged items in case of fire or flood?
A person who has caused that. The person guilty is be established by the corresponding authorities.
What is required for concluding a lease contract?
For concluding a contract, the lessee’s name, ID code and the address have to be submitted. The first lease invoice includes the deposit, which equals with one month’s rent for the store.
Can I drive my car to the mini-store?
On an outdoor square you can drive directly to your container.
What may be and what must not be stored in the mini-store?
In Holder storage containers you must not store:
- Animals, plants and whatever living creatures;
- Quickly spoiling foodstuff, goods with a short shelf-life, foodstuff;
- Cut-and-thrust and firearms, including their details and ammunition;
- Medication and chemical substances;
- Hazardous property (which has dangerous features, items made of hazardous substances or contain them (explosive, flammable, radioactive or toxic substances or gases);
- Items and substances, which emit fumes or strong smell;
- Confiscated property;
- Property, which circulation in the Republic of Estonia is forbidden.
Property, which storing in a mini-store is allowed:
- Furniture and household appliances;
- Office equipment and documents, stationery;
- Seasonal clothes (fur coats, thick coats, bathing costumes), personal items;
- Sports inventory (bikes, snowboards, skis);
- Various tools;
- Kids’ items, toys;
- Promotional material, books, old magazines;
- Collections (stamps, badges and other);
- Company's equipment (coffee machines, plastic furniture, assembled stands);
- Alcoholic drinks;
- Whatever property, which is not forbidden to be stored in the mini-store.
What is the size of area I need?
You can calculate the required size of the storage area yourself, but it is better to turn to the manager of HOLDER. We calculate the size of the required storage area and you do not have to pay for extra square meters. How to calculate the area of the storage space?
1. The area of the storage space can be estimated by applying the rule of 1/5.
2. Divide the area of your room by 5 and you get the approximate size of the storage space you need.
3. The method is suitable in case of an office and a dwelling.
4. For example, if the area of the 2-room apartment is 45 m2, you need about 9 m2 storage space for storing your property.
To avoid mistakes it is better to use the help of our experienced employees. They calculate the exact amount of square metres needed for storing your property. We choose the optimal storage space and help you not to pay for excessive storage area.
There have been cases when a client has leased a too small storage room, because he made a mistake in calculations. Due to that we advise you to call us now!
Who has an access into the store?
The store can be accessed by a person on whose name the lease contract is prepared, and authorized persons appointed by the client. An authorized person is a person to whom the owner has given the keys of the store.
Working hours of the complex/office?
The mini-stores on the squares are available for owners 24/7. They are used according to a self-service system.
May the things be brought along at once?
Yes, of course. But first you have to call the administrator to book a mini-store.
Can the rent of the store be changed/increased?
Yes, the cost may increase. The company shall inform you about the increased prices 30 calendar days in advance. Changes are applied when paying for new usage period.
May the client install shelves on the wall of the mini-store?
Drilling the wall and making holes in the wall is not allowed. For storing warehouse shelves provided by the company or personal storage shelves (stillage) may be used.
How can you pay rent for the store?
You can pay for all Holder services as follows:
- by bank transfer when placing the order;
- by an invoice;
- in cash.
How safe is such kind of storing?
Storing property in Holder stores is performed in compliance with safety requirements established in that area. We guarantee the safety of our clients’ property so that the damage or loss of property in our practice is not possible.
Which kind of safety measures are applied on the storage premises?
● The territory of Holder is surrounded by a fence;
● The mini-store is under video surveillance;
● Only the client with his key can access the property;
● Possible to use several locks.
How can you withdraw from the lease contract of the store?
It is possible to withdraw from the lease contract of the store by informing Holder about the intention to end the lease contract in writing at least 15 days in advance.